Digital Imagery Policy
There are many occasions where digital images or videos are taken and used as part of educational life. The Reader school privacy, child protection and data protection duties require us to minimise any risk that may result from the misuse of images or videos.
Consent to take images or videos
- Written permission from parents will be obtained before images of children are taken for any purpose
- Written parental consent will be sought to use photographs for professional, marketing and training purposes and for use on the school website.
- Parental permission will be sought on application. And this will consider as permission in the above clause.
- A record of all consent details will be kept securely on digital file
- Permission can be withdrawn by parents/carers at any time, and for particular events and in retrospect. All relevant images or videos will be removed and disposed of and the record will be updated accordingly
Taking Images or videos
- Only official school owned equipment will be used to capture images of children for official purposes
- Members of staff will model positive behaviour to the children by asking permission before they take any photos or videos
- Careful consideration will be in place before taking photos or recordings of very young or vulnerable children
- Images will not be taken of any child against their wishes – a child’s right not to be photographed is to be respected
- The school will only use images of children who are suitably dressed
- The Headteacher reserves the right to view any images or videos and to withdraw a member of staffs’ authorisation to take images or videos
Storing Images or videos
- All images or videos will be securely stored with encryption enabled on removable devices including laptops, tablets, cameras, USB memory sticks etc where possible with images immediately transferred to secure or encrypted areas if this is not possible
- Photographs will be deleted when the child leaves the school
Use of Images or videos
- Images or videos will be selected carefully when used
- Images or videos of children’s work will only be published with their permission and their parents/carers consent.
- Parent permission will be sought on application. And this will consider as permission in the above clause.
- Staff should check if they have permission to use the images for the purpose intended
- Children’s’ names will only be used on images or videos.
Training and procedures
- Staff will receive information regarding the safe and appropriate use of images or videos as part of their safeguarding training and responsibilities
- All members of staff will ensure that all images are available for scrutiny and will be able to justify any images or videos in their possession
- Any apps, websites or third party companies used to share, host or access children’s images or videos will be risk assessed prior to use. The school will ensure that images or videos are held in accordance with the Data Protection Act and suitable child protection requirements are in place
- The decision as to whether Parents/carers are permitted to take photographs or video of events for personal use will be taken on an event by event basis
Use of Photos/Videos by Parents/Carers
- The right to withdraw consent will be maintained and any photography or filming on site will be open to scrutiny at any time with consideration being given to safeguarding, Health and Safety and parental wishes
- Parents/Carers will be informed if permission has been given or withdrawn to take photos or video at the beginning of an event
- Parents/Carers are only permitted to take or make recording within designated areas of the school.
- Parents and carers who are using photographic equipment must be mindful of others when making and taking images
- Parents/Carers are requested not to share photos that include children other than their own on social networks unless they have the permission of all the relevant parents/Carers
- Parents/Carers may contact the Headteacher to discuss any concerns regarding the use of images
Use of Photos/Videos by Children
- The school will discuss and agree age appropriate acceptable use rules with children regarding the appropriate use of cameras and tablets, such as places children cannot take a camera or tablet (e.g. unsupervised areas, toilets)
- All staff will be made aware of the acceptable use rules regarding children’s use of cameras and tablets
- Photos taken by children for official use will be carefully controlled by the school and will be checked carefully before sharing online or via digital screens
- Parents/Carers will be informed when the children are allowed to take personal photos on trips or visits
- Children will be informed that they need to ask permission to take photos for their own personal use
Use of Images of Children by the Media
- The identity of any press representative will be verified
- No authorisation will be given to unscheduled visits by the press under any circumstances
- Where a photographer is invited to celebrate an event, every effort will be made to ensure that they will meet previously agreed agreements between parents/carers and the school
- Full names will only be used with the agreement of the child/parent/carer
- Every effort will be made to ensure the press abide by any specific guidelines should they be requested. No responsibility or liability however can be claimed for situations beyond reasonable control, and where the school is to be considered to have acted in good faith
Use of Professional Photographers
- Professional photographers who are engaged to record any events will be prepared to work according to the terms of the schools Online Safety policy
- Photographers will sign an agreement which ensures compliance with the Data Protection Act and that images will only be used for a specific purpose, subject to parental consent
- Photographers will not have unsupervised access to children and young people
Data Protection
All images taken by the school will be used in a manner respectful of the Data Protection Act